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அதிபர் தேர்தலில் போட்டியிடப்போவதாக ‘ஜிஐசி’ முன்னாள் தலைவர் அறிவிப்பு
அரசாங்க முதலீட்டு நிறுவனமான ‘ஜிஐசி’இன் முன்னாள் தலைவர் இங் கோக் சொங், 75, தமக்கு நிச்சயிக்கப்பட்டவருடன் புதன்கிழமை காலை 10.30 மணியளவில்...

Apa yang diketahui tentang Ng Kok Song, lelaki yang mungkin jadi calon ketiga presiden SG
SINGAPURA: Mantan ketua pegawai pelaburan GIC, Ng Kok Song, pada Rabu (19 Jul) mengumumkan niatnya untuk bertanding dalam Pilihan Raya...

Ng Kok Song: From growing up in Sengkang fishing village to GIC chief investment officer and...'
Mr Ng Kok Song, 75, announced on Wednesday (July 19) his intention to contest the upcoming Presidential Election He is best known for his...

Rags-to-Riches Wealth Fund Veteran Plans to Run for Singapore President
Former Ex-GIC CIO Ng Kok Song plans to run for President Ng is chairman of multibillion-dollar investment firm Avanda The former chief...

出身体制不代表是“政府人” 黄国松:我不是来分散选票
在公共服务工作45年的新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)前首席投资官黄国松表示,尽管他出身体制(establishment),体制跟政府和执政党是有区别的,而他也表示,他不是来分散选票的。 75岁的黄国松今天(19日)到选举局领取总统参选表格,正式宣布参选总统。他在接受媒体采访时...

Prihatin tentang integriti dorong mantan ketua pelaburan GIC jadi calon Presiden
Mantan ketua pelaburan GIC, Encik Ng Kok Song yang berhasrat bertanding sebagai Presiden, mengatakan bahawa keprihatinan tentang...

'I'm standing so you can choose your president': Peter Ng Kok Song, 3rd presidential hopeful
Peter Ng Kok Song, former chief investment officer of Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC, has emerged as the third presidential hopeful...

Former GIC investment chief Ng Kok Song announces presidency bid, says he is 'above politics' and...
Former GIC investment chief Ng Kok Song, 75, announced his presidential bid at the Elections Department (ELD) on Wednesday (July 19) He...

The man who taught Lee Kuan Yew to meditate: 6 things about presidential hopeful Ng Kok Song
SINGAPORE - Former GIC chief investment officer Ng Kok Song has thrown his hat into the ring for the upcoming presidential election,...

What we know about Ng Kok Song, the man who could be Singapore's 3rd presidential candidate
Former GIC chief investment officer Ng Kok Song has announced his intention to run in the Presidential Election. SINGAPORE: Former GIC...
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