Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
by Quah Wee Ghee
Former President, Public Markets, GIC
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Ho Tian Yee
Chairman, Fullerton Fund Management
Deputy Chairman, Pavilion Capital
Director, Seviora Holdings/Straits Trading
Chairman, Mount Alvernia Hospital
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Anthony Lim
Former President, Americas, GIC
Independent Director, DBS
Independent Director, CapitaLand Investment Limited
Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of Colombia
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Dr Carol Tan Yean Eng
Specialist, The Good Life Medical Center
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Salleh Marican
Founder and CEO, Second Chance Properties Ltd
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Angelene Chan
Chairman of DP Architects & its Group of Companies
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Dr Melvin Rafi
Assistant Teaching Professor of Aerospace Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder
Son of Michael Rafi, Kok Song’s long-time colleague and friend
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Chua Cher Choon
Former Chairman of Montfort School Management Committee
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Dawa Tarchin Phillips
Global Transformational Leader
CEO of Empowerment Holdings
Consultancy for Business Leaders
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Eric Ching
Former Treasury Manager, Citibank
Former Treasury Manager, OCBC
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Teo Kim Meng
Former Banker, BNP Paribas
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Tjio Kay Loen
Former Assistant General Manager, OCBC
Testimonial for Ng Kok Song
By Montfort School, 1966

Former CIO, AIA Investment Management
Former Group CIO, Great Eastern Life
Former CEO, Tudor Capital Singapore
Former Head of Strategic Cross Assets, GIC
黄国松 我是黄爱宁,现在从友邦保险投资公司辞去首席投资官职位后休假六个月,之前任职大东方保险集团首席投资官及对冲基金Tudor Capital新加坡分行的首席执行官,之前在新加坡政府投资公司任职21年 黄国松先生是我在新加坡政府投资公司工作时的大老板,说他是GIC的第一把手是不错的。因为基本上首席投资官在投资公司里的地位和影响力应该是和首席执行官不相上下的 在我在岗位上的21年中对我最栽培最具影响力的两位上司, 一位是杨南强先生,另一位就是黄国松先生了 对黄先生的评价我是这么想的: 第一,尽忠职守 不论什么私人情况或优虑,黄先生对市场局势和投资组合的专注都是100%的。就连当黄夫人Patricia病重的时候,因为世界金融危机造成的市场震荡,黄先生也是密切的和同事们并肩作战,没有丝毫的放松 第二,清廉公正 虽然市场充满诱惑和负能量,黄先生对我们这些年轻下属树立的榜样都是一致的,为新加坡的百姓而不是自己爭取最好的收益回报 第三,精明果断 当1997年的亚洲金融危机和2007年的世界金融危机造成巨大的市场波动和压力时,黄先生领导公司内的智囊团和投资官推行降低风险的策略,也借着市场价格低靡买入了策略投资股份,使得日后GIC的收益增高 第四, 平易近人,亲切康慨 国松是个 不摆架子的好老板,同事们的婚礼他都会和夫人出席祝贺,送上爱心红包 。他关心下属的家庭和生活状况,常常会问起我们的孩子或家人的近况,是个有诚意,很亲切的人
Chairman of NatWest Bank in England Former deputy governor of the Bank of England Met Mr Ng Kok Song at Stanford Business School in 1979
"In class, he was fiendishly clever. Hardworking, though he tried to conceal it by always appearing laid-back."
"I had been wondering whether running a bond fund would satisfy him forever. I knew how committed he has always been to the future of the city-state, and we have often talked about the crucial importance of strong and stable governance and effective management (not something we have enjoyed in the UK in the recent past!). So I could immediately see the logic."
"And he has clearly thought through the implications of what would be a big step for anyone. Kok Song never does anything without careful analysis of the rewards and the risks."
Founder of Wefox
"Singapore is an inspiring hub harmonizing and mediating between Western and Eastern cultures and is a guiding light globally. Its direction matters to us all.
Why should Kok Song be at its helm? Here are three compelling reasons:
1. Independence & Commitment
2. Competence & Experience
3. Integrity & Reflection
Let's support this journey towards a promising future for Singapore under Kok Song’s leadership."
Founder of Doctorly
“I was super excited to hear that Kok Song NG has decided to take his (already extraordinary) career to new levels, he’s running for president of Singapore! 🇸🇬
As a startup founder, I am blessed to meet and work with amazing and inspiring people over the years.
However a dinner I had with Kok Song NG while I was in Singapore stands out in my mind. For someone who has achieved so much in his career, (look into it, he’s one of the most important contributors to the finance industry in Singapore history), I was blown away by his humility and commitment to providing ‘service’.
‘Singapore has been so good to me, I just want to continue to do my part in giving back’. He has integrity, competence, experience, and he’s incredibly reflective.
If more people like KS entered politics, I’d make a lot more videos like this! 😄”