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President’s role is to scrutinise key appointments in public service: Ng Kok Song
SINGAPORE - It is not enough for Singapore to have good institutions; it needs to have good people too. And the role of the president is...

Singapore can have ‘best of three worlds’ if I become President, says Ng Kok Song
If he is elected, former senior minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam can return to the government and Harvey Norman Ossia founder George Goh...

Berpengalaman dalam perkhidmatan awam tapi Ng Kok Song yakin berfikiran bebas
Pengalaman Encik Ng Kok Song berkhidmat di dana kekayaan negara memberikan beliau pengetahuan mendalam tentang kerja-kerja dalam sektor...

'அரசியல் தொடர்பற்ற' அதிபரைச் சிங்கப்பூர் விரும்புகிறது: இங் கோக் சொங்
Ng said he is currently working on his list of proposer, seconder, and assenters and will share their names on Nomination Day சிங்கப்பூர்...

Ng's supporters are 'people of courage' for backing the underdog publicly: pres. hopeful Ng Kok song
Ng said he is currently working on his list of proposer, seconder, and assenters and will share their names on Nomination Day. People who...

Lee Kuan Yew was my best meditation student: Presidential hopeful Ng Kok Song
"I think I stand a pretty good chance, if I can explain to the people of Singapore what are my reasons for standing as president, and...

Celebrate racial diversity, but unite as Singaporeans: Presidential hopeful Ng Kok Song
SINGAPORE – Even as Singaporeans celebrate their respective ethnic cultures, presidential hopeful Ng Kok Song believes it is critical for...

A politically neutral president can better unify Singapore: Ng Kok Song
SINGAPORE – Presidential hopeful Ng Kok Song believes that as a politically neutral person who has never belonged to any political party,...

A politically neutral president can better unify Singapore: Ng Kok Song
Ng said he is currently working on his list of proposer, seconder, and assenters and will share their names on Nomination Day. SINGAPORE...

4 things about Ng Kok Song: From poor village boy to presidential hopeful
Ng Kok Song has a public service career in finance that spans over four decades. SINGAPORE — Finance industry veteran Ng Kok Song has...

Presidential hopeful Ng Kok Song: Meditation can help youths tackle mental health issues, enable S..
Presidential hopeful Ng Kok Song: Meditation can help youths tackle mental health issues, enable Singapore’s future success SINGAPORE,...

Mental health 'one of the secrets to S'pore's future success': presidential hopeful Ng Kok Song
Mental health will raise the productivity of Singaporeans because they would not be so stressed and would approach their work with...

There's a difference between the establishment & the ruling part': Ng Kok Song on being non-partisan
The 75-year-old presidential hopeful, who is the former chief investment officer of Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, said that as a...

Former GIC investment chief Ng Kok Song announces bid for Singapore presidential election
Mr Ng Kok Song, 75, accompanied by his fiancee Sybil Lau, 45, at the Elections Department on July 19, 2023. ST PHOTO: JASON QUAH...

Experience and independence key to voters, not age: Observers on presidential hopeful Ng Kok Song
SINGAPORE - Former GIC investment chief Ng Kok Song’s announcement on Wednesday of his intention to run for president has made it a...

新加坡政府投资公司前首席投资官黄国松,星期三(7月19日)上午11时在未婚妻刘以真(左)的陪同下,到选举局领取参加总统选举表格。(叶振忠摄) 新加坡政府投资公司前首席投资官黄国松,星期三(7月19日)上午11时,到选举局领取参加总统选举表格。...

What we know about Ng Kok Song, the man who could be Singapore's 3rd presidential candidate | Video
Former GIC chief investment officer Ng Kok Song on Wednesday (Jul 19) announced his intention to run for the Singapore presidency. Here...

“在国际经济、国际政治方面,我知道的跟尚达曼一样多!” “在国际上,我的知名度跟尚达曼一样高,他是制定政策者,我是投资者。” 75岁的投资管理公司执行主席黄国松,曾任职于新加坡金融管理局和新加坡政府投资公司,共45载。他与曾是新加坡金融管理局主席、新加坡政府投资公司(GIC...

【新闻人物】港脚渔村长大的GIC首席投资官 一文认识黄国松
新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)前首席投资官黄国松今天(19日)正式宣布参选总统,来届总统选举料出现三角战。 强调自己从无政党关系且身份独立的黄国松,坦言许多国人仍不知道他是谁,而他将在下来几周让大家认识他。《8视界新闻网》先带你了解这位在管理我国外汇储备这方面有着超过40年经...

‘Concerns about integrity’ prompt former GIC investment chief Ng Kok Song to seek presidential c...'
Ng Kok Song and his fiancee Sybil Lau arriving at the Elections Department shortly past 10.30 am on Wednesday to pick up an application...
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